Archive for the ‘Goddess’ Category

Worshipping the Creature

April 8, 2008

Recently, a baby was born in India. The baby has two faces, both of which are “functional,” i.e. the baby can apparently drink from both mouths and blinks all four eyes simultaneously. It is a very sad sight. What is far more sad, however, is the reaction of the pagans living around this baby. They regard the baby as a reincarnation of a goddess.

How sad. A poor, deformed child mistaken for something divine.

God – who created all things very good – mistaken for a child who will face great challenges in life, both physically and – one would expect – mentally.

Let us pray that the light of the Gospel will illuminate north India, so that these people will glorify the God who gave this young child two faces, and not the child.


For the overly-curious, here’s a link to the article.